OLD Capitalism & the Law
Fall 2022
E-mail: pryan2@uwo.ca |
Group Email: his3851@uwo.ca printable outline |
Academic Program Advisor, Simone Shepherd 519-433-0041 x445712:30, or Appt. |
COURSE DESCRIPTION: An exploration of legal culture and institutions that structured the rise of capitalism. Students will examine the fundamentals of law that arose within market society.
Prerequisite(s): 1.0 course at 2200 level or above.
READINGS: (available at The Bookstore at Western, through other book sellers, and or in the library)
Sven Beckert, Empire of Cotton: A Global History (New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2014).
About a dozen articles and chapters found in the course schedule.
Discussion Participation | 20% Weekly |
Critical Review Paper (1,200-1,500 words) | 40% - Oct. 21 |
Case Analysis Paper (1,200-1,500 words) | 40% - Dec. 14 |
Students are expected to schedule appointments and other responsibilities around class time. To be excused from discussion participation due to temporary illness or one-time unavoidable scheduling conflict, contact me directly via email.
Please do not use email to engage me in substantive conversation, to review course material, or to pose open-ended questions. I am happy to meet with students face-to-face or answer questions during or immediately after class.
If health issues are prolonged, or to request more extensive academic accommodation, you must meet with me in person and provide documentation to the Dean's Office. If you seek more extensive forms of accommodation, I ask that you deal directly with me in-person as is appropriate. I am available almost every working day on campus and will make an appointment to meet with you.
Penalties for late papers may be avoided if extensions are requested in advance. Otherwise, a two-mark deduction will be taken for each of the first three days late, and a 5-mark deduction for each day thereafter. One-month after the due date a zero will be assigned for the paper.
Please click above and read, because these apply to this course.