Dr. Patrick Ryan

Old Childhood & Governmentality

We are fortunate to have the Wemple Student Lounge each Tuesday Afternoon from 2:30-5:30, because this room is large enough for all students to attend in-person while maintaining physical distancing guidelines. 

Although there may be changes to the health order, as we begin the Fall 2020 semester, CSI 3364 will be conducted as an ordinary in-person seminar and will use online media through OWL (as we normally do) to circulate information, to provide access to course resources, and to accommodate specific needs.

The first meeting will be Wednesday September 15 - in-person, with masks maintaining 6ft, in the W120 - Wemple Student Lounge.  See you soon. 

Professor Patrick Ryan 

Childhood and Governmentality
CSI 3364F 2020


Patrick J. Ryan
433-0041 x4442
Office - DL 127
Hours TBA

Fall 2020 - Wemple 120 - Student Lounge
Tuesdays 2:30-5:30 PM

Group email: csi3364@uwo.ca  


An opportunity to read, discuss, and write about Foucauldian analytics of power as they related to the policies, practices, law, and institutions of childhood and youth.

Antirequisite(s): The former CSI 3360F/G

Prerequisite(s): CSI 2210F/G, or permission of the CSI Program Coordinator


Tina Besley, Counseling Youth: Foucault, Power, and the Ethics of Subjectivity (Sense Publishers, 2006).

This book is available at Brill on a print to order basis for 75$ CAD.

About 8 other articles available through the course calendar. 


Paper 1 (1,200 words) = 40% - Due October 18

Paper 2 (1,800 words) = 60% - Due December 8


Due to the unusual demands of COVID-19 public health orders, we will not have a marked or recorded participation element in this course. This does not change the relationship between homework, reading, attendence, preparations, learning, and academic success. I strongly encourage you to remain engaged with the course. Ask questions in whatever media we have to work through. I am on 'your side' through this situation, but that will not matter as much as your own efforts.

Since we are meeting every Tuesday afternoon, it is expected that students will schedule all appointments and other responsibilities to avoid conflicts with the course.  If health issues demand a  prolonged absence, or if you require other academic accommodation, you must speak with me and provide documentation to the Dean's Office.  

If you would like to record any element of this course you may do so (or I may even provide you with a recording) but only under the following stipulations. (1) You ask me and explain why this will benefit you; (2) I agree; (3) the recording is not circulated, nor used for any purpose other than your educational benefit. There are numerous reasons for these limitations, but one is often poorly understood and is the most important to me: your development. Recording side-steps the challenge of operating in real-time. The world is not entirely within the smartphone (yet) and developing your ability to function without recording every darn moment, living in the face-to-face now outside virtual situations & social media continues to be of great importance.

DUE DATES:  I have no desire to penalize students and I do not believe this is the proper way to motivate people. Penalties for late papers may be avoided if extensions are requested in advance. That said, a two-mark deduction will be taken for each of the first three days late, and a 5-mark deduction for each day thereafter.  Two-weeks after the due date or at the conclusion of the term (which ever is first) a zero will be assigned for the paper.  

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