Dr. Patrick Ryan

Old Childhood Policy


Winter 2019 - P. RYAN
Tuesdays 8:30-11:30
LH 105A

E-mail:  pryan2@uwo.ca  
Ph:  433-0041 Ext. 4442
Office: DL 127
Hours: T 12-2p or Appt.

Teaching Assistant:  Kate Letchford

CSI  Program Advisor: Laura Clarke
Tel: 519.433.3491 / 1.800-265.4406, ext. 4503


This course examines childhood and youth as they are structured by social institutional contexts such as citizenship, labor policies and practices, schools, and disciplinary institutions. Historical, ethnographic, discursive, and structural approaches are used to explore how childhood is produced and contested through a diverse set of cultural, social, and political systems.

Prerequisites: CSI 1020 or 1025f/g, registration in the second year of the Childhood and Social Institutions Program, or permission of the CSI Program Coordinator.

Antirequisites: CSI 2200.

LEARNING OUTCOMES:  CSI 2210 contributes to Program Learning Outcomes for the Major (M) and Honours Specialization (H) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11.  Click here for a full description of each outcome. 


John Taylor Gatto, Weapons of Mass Instruction: A School Teachers Journey through the Dark World of Compulsory Education (New Society Publishers, 2009).
CSI 2210 - 2018 Reading Packet, Available in the Bookstore at Western.

See reading list at http://pryan2.kingsfaculty.ca/course-sites/csi2210fg/csi-2210f-course-calendar/


It is impractical to offer email consultations on your essays.  If you need assistance, please visit me in DL 127 during my office hours or schedule an appointment.

Weekly Preparation/Participation 5% Every Tuesday

Paper #1 (3 pages)


February 8

Paper #2 (3 pages)


Rescheduled to Apr. 5

Final Exam





PARTICIPATION & PREPARATION (5%):  Students are asked to write answers to questions and submit them via OWL prior to the weekly sessions.  Doing the homework on-time, bringing it to class, and volunteering your answers will make up 5% of the course mark.  Meeting a minimal participation threshold is necessary to avoid penalties (see below), but full participation will also prepare you for the final exam.  Many of the long-answer questions on the exam repeat the ideas or even the precise wording of the homework questions. 

MINIMUM ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENT:  Students must attend a minimum of 6 of the 11 lectures; failure to do so will result in a 10% penalty in the course and may make one ineligible to write the final exam.  

The attendance requirement includes the expectation that students will schedule all appointments and other responsibilities to avoid conflicts with the course.  If health issues demand a  prolonged absence, or if you require other academic accommodation, you must meet with the course instructor in-person and provide documentation to the Dean's Office.  

DUE DATES:  Penalties for late papers may be avoided if extensions are requested in advance.  Otherwise, a two-mark deduction will be taken for each of the first three days late, and a 5-mark deduction for each day thereafter.  Two-weeks after the due date or at the conclusion of the term (which ever is first) a zero will be assigned for the paper.