Lecture Resources - CSI 2210f/g
W3.4 - Keywords (April 9, 2019): Tracking in Canadian Schools by Gender, Nativity, Race, and SES; Canadian Higher Educational Access and Graduation by Gender; Canadian Educational Attainment by Visible Minority Status; International Educational Access Comparison Data; US-Can Higher Educational Access by SES; Texas Educational Inequality Data
Post-Secondary Enrolment by Parental Income (2017)
Key Education Statistics Canada (2017)
Young Men and Women Without H.S. Diploma (2017)
People for Education Report on Applied Math Options (2015)
High School Tracking - Canada 2000
High School Drop-out by Gender and Class - Canada 2003
High School Drop-out Rates by Gender 1990-2009
Advanced Degree Attainment in Canada by Sex - 1920 to 1995
Advanced Degree Attainment in Canada by Sex - 1990 to 2008
Undergraduate & Advanced Degree Attainment in Canada by Sex - 1992-2007
Educational Attainment by Visible Minority Status in Canada - L20C
Educational Attainment by Gender in Canada 1990 and 2009
Texas Educational Inequality Charts, P. Ryan (2001)
"Socio-Economic Disparities and the Comparison of District-Wide Test Scores," (Cleveland, OH: Citizens League Research Institute of Greater Cleveland, July 1999)
International Comparative Data on Educational Attainment
W3.2/W3.3 - Keywords (March 26 - April 2, 2019): (Reformation Theology, Childhood, & Literacy), Social Control, General Critique, Socialization Theory, Aboriginal Residential Schools, S.A.T.'s cycle of identity formation, standardized obstructions to agentive learning practices, 2 ironies of standardized education, Donald Arnstine's Aesthetic Experience, divergent thinking.
W3.2 - Social Control - Ethnic Assimilation
1955 News Release on the James Bay Residential School
1970 CBC Indian Magazine Radio Show (Johnny Yesno, Edna Manitowabi, Delia Opekekew)
1991 CBC TV Report "Hurt Comes Back"
2008 PM Harper Formal Apology
2015 "The National" CBC Short Video on IRS
Student Poetry (1927-28)
W3.3 - General Critique of Generational Power Relations
"Little Boxes" Pete Seager 1963, lyrics by Malvina Reynolds.
Sulibreezy, "Why I hate School, but love Education," Spoken Word.
A Good Book (
2 models of Identity Formation
SAT Model of Identity Formation and Participatory Rights
Captive Audience Transcript (2003)
Chart 1 (Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, Talented Teenagers, 1993)
Chart 2 (Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, Talented Teenagers, 1993)
Chart 3 (Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, Talented Teenagers, 1993)
Animate taken from a speech given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson (Oct, 2010)
W3.1 - Keywords (March 19, 2019): Canadian Public Education statistical growth, 3 lines of thought on Mass Public Education, 3 parts of the Progressive Liberation argument, Horace Mann, American Common School Movement, Sputnik, Malala Yousafzai, Brown v. Board of Education (US, 1954).
Canadian Statistics on School Participation
Kneeling at the National Anthem
Local Student Walk-Out (LFP) (CBC)
W2.3 - Keywords (March 12, 2019): Industrial Capitalism, Commodification, Wage-Form, Global Income Distribution, Hollos Study Findings, Global Child Labour Statistics, NAT, Wendy Dios, Kundapur Declaration, Dakar Declaration.
ILO Global Estimates, 2017
Hollos Charts
The Corporation Clip 1
The Corporation Clip 2
BBC Documentary Film "Child Slavery" (with Rageh Omarr, 2007).
W2.2 - Keywords (March 5, 2019): Lewis Hine, NCLC, Liability Law, Assumed Risk, Fellow Servant Rule, Contributory Negligence, U.S. and Canada Historical Youth Workforce and Education Data, Due Care, International Labour Organization, ILO-138, ILO-182, ILO.
General Historical Typology of Child Labor
Lewis Hine Photography
W2.1 - Keywords (February 26, 2019): Family, Husband, Wife, Lineage, Household, Conjugal Unit, Master-Servant Childhood (Family Land Owning, Generational Residential and Inheritance Patterns, Patrilineal Naming), Historical Typology of Child Labour, Industrial Discipline, Family Wage-Earning Strategy, U.S. Housheold Budget Survey Data L19-E20C.
General Historical Typology of Child Labor
Indenture of Apprenticeship (Va, 1659). Philip A. Bruce, An Economic History of Virginia (NY: MacMillan, 1896).
Household Types, U.S. (1790-1990) from William A. Corsaro, The Sociology of Childhood (1997): 80.
Number of Persons in U.S. HH 1960-1998 From Lynne M Casper and Suzanne M. Bianchi, "A "Quieting" of Family Change" in Andrew Cherlin ed. Public and Private Families: A Reader (McGraw-Hill, 2005): 11.
Sons Established (Ontario) -1881 Beatrice Craig, "Famillies, Interitance, and Property Transmission in Rural Central Canada in the 19th and Early-20th Centuries," in Family Matters: Papers in Post-Confederation Canadian Family History edited by Lori Chambers and Edgar-Andre Montigny (Canadian Scholars Press, 1998): 166.
Lancashire Mills, UK (1833) Age/Gender of Employees
Family-Wage Earning Stategies and Child Labour
Rapid Decline in Youth Participation in Industrial Labour - Ohio data
Rapid Decline in Working-Class Generational Interdependency
W1.4 - Keywords (February 5, 2019): Parens Patriae, Best Interest of the Child, surveys of children's participation in custody and access proceedings; morality, legitimacy, authority, power, Lawrence Kohlberg on moral development, Robert Coles on Moral Life, orthodox socialization theory's model of identity formation, Generalized Other, Significant Others, Identity, S.A.T.'s model of identity formation.
1948 recording of Canadian Debate on Voting Age
UNICEF's Depiction of Identity
Legal Professional Attitudes Towards Children's Participation
2 Models of Identity Formation (r-1025)
Rights and SAT on the Cycle of Identity Formation (r-1025)
Rhonda Bessner Report (2002)
W1.3 - Keywords (January 29, 2019): s. 43 of the Canadian Criminal Code, Canadian Foundation for Children, Youth, and the Law v. Canada (AG), Charter of Rights and Freedoms (s. 1, 7, 12, and 15), Canadian public opinion data on CP, the Oakes Test, 'Reading Down' a Statute, UNCRC (s. 5, 19, 24(3), 28(3), and 37(a), International Data on CP Law.
Corporal Punishment Case Law Summary
Corporal Punishment Public Opinion
Educational Policies and Corporal Punishment in Canada and the World
Corporal Punishement Law Outside Canada
Global Map of CP law and practice
W1.2 - Keywords (January 22, 2019): United Nations, UN CRC Art. 12, 13, 18, 27, & 28, Rights, Positive Rights, Negative Rights, generative tensions
UNICEF Chile on the Right of Expression (CRC 13, 2006)
UNICEF Australia on the CRC (2013)
New Project, UK on the Rights and Responsibilities of Children
Croteau Article (r-1025F)
"A 14-yr old Pursues Medical Rights," (2005)
W1.1 - Keywords (January 15, 2019): Discourse, Social Subjects, Landscape of Modern Childhood Diagram, Social Actor Theory & the Political Child, Affirmation of Ordinary Life, John Locke, Socialization Theory & the Conditioned Child, Romantic Developmentalism & the Authentic Child, L. Hine's "Glimpse," Girodet de Roussy-Trioson's "Portrait du jeune Trioson," Romantic Poets, Romantic Dualisms, Positive-Scientific Developmentalism & the Developing Child, Graphic Visualization, Radical Simplification, Arnold Gesell, Stage-Theory, B.F. Skinner, Behavioral Modification
The Landscape of Modern Childhood (LMC) Diagram
Unk., "Who is Studying Whom?" (L20C)
Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson, "Portrait du jeune Trioson" (1800)
Lewis Hine, "Glimpse" (1908-1912)
Arnold Gesell, "Yale Clinic" (1947)
B.F. Skinner, "Baby in a Box" (1944)
Last Year